Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Surprise Lambs

Okay. So we planned our lambing this season down to the last detail. Separate breeding groups. Separate pastures. Lambs should have begun to drop in late February. And then, on February 10, two weeks early, we awaken to two new Navajo-Churro lambs. One black; one tan (and looking very much like a Barbado in coloration). Born of Holly, who at five had never lambed. Immaculate conception? And, if not, who is, who are, the daddies? Did Pedro, our Barbado, secretly court Holly? Did Miguel, a Navajo, who bears a close resemblance to the black lamb? What happened? We may never know. But the lambing season has begun at Agarita Creek. The first two of perhaps fifty lambs. Stay tuned.

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