Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Winter at the Farm

Winter, I am finding, is a strange time at the farm. There is much clearing to be done for Spring planting. Eventually, with much work, everthing returns to its empty, clean state, which is a bit cathartic. Seeds and plants are ordered, delivered, and ready for planting. The sheep and cows become more and more dependent on us for food. The cycles change -- diametrically opposed from what they will be in just a few weeks when grass and plants overrun the place, and the animals do not need us -- but the farm does. Cycles are comforting. It reminds me of school. Fresh starts each season.

The spring wildflowers are green, healthy, and ready to flower as soon as the warm weather takes hold for more than a passing few days. The cabins continue to progress, and look to be ready for the Spring season. Lambing is just around the corner. Lambing to be followed by shearing. Shearing to be followed by months of harvest, fighting back weeds, and trying to sell the food we have cultivated. Our time for thought, and planning, will soon disappear into urgent activity. It has been nice while it has lasted. I will learn to look forward to this time of year on the farm.

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to following your blog! Can't wait to see your 2009 lambs.
