Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall and Fall Specials at Agarita Creek Farms

Fall is in the are, we have received a foot of new rain over the past month, everything is green and wonderful, and we are waiting for you to come visit us at the farm.

To entice you, we are rerunning a popular special -- weekend nights for weekday rates on our two cabins. The savings is at least $75 per night. For just a little more than a simple hotel room, you can rent a 1200 sq. ft., 2 bedroom cabin, with great amenities and stellar view that seem to go on forever.

The fall garden is in full swing, we are about to begin our sheep breeding season, the flowers are in bloom and everything is new and alive again -- after the very long drought. There is not a better time to come out. You know you want to come. With these precises, and all we have to offer right now, what are you waiting for? It simply does not get any better than it is right now.
