Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Agarita Creek Farms' Employee of the Month - Barnabus

This is Barnabus, our employee of the Month for April. He is a Great Pyrenees, and is the livestock guardian of our sheep. He was purchased for a mere pittance, due to his non-social character, but his job is to guard sheep and not to make human friends. He is docile and indifferent to us, but fierce to the enemies of our sheep. He eats a lot, but when he is done he stays out of the bars, and has not even demanded health insurance, a retirement plan, or a company vehicle. The voting this month was not even close. Barnabus is our employee of the month. Come see him, from a distance at least, on your next trip to see us at Agarita Creek Farms.

Our Fabulous Jacob Ewes and Lambs


Jacob sheep were the first breed that we decided to raise at Agarita Creek Farms, and our herd of Jacob Sheep is not only our largest herd, but the largest Jacob Sheep herd, we believe in Texas. We have many fine lambs, ewes, and rams, registered and unregistered, for sale this Spring. We invite you to come to the Farm and see these remarkable animals for yourself.

Our Wonderful Dexter Cattle

At Agarita Creek Farms, we raise Jacob Sheep and Navajo-Churro Sheep, but we are also committed to establishing an amazing herd of Dexter cattle. We are moving slowly in this regard, acquiring only the highest quality heifers and cows, as we want to build a really special herd. We are breeding for red and dun coloration, leaving the predominant black to others. We just feel that the lighter colors are better for our hot climate. We have had two calves in late 2008 and thus far in 2009 at the farm, and look forward to many more, and an ever increasing herd. Dexters are the perfect small dual purpose cow, and we are committed to raising them in a way that honors them. Check out our Dexter cows on your next visit to the farm, and you will see what we are excited about.

More Navajo-Churro Moms and a Few Lambs

Here are a few of our Navajo ewes, some with their lambs. We are proud to be the farm that is bringing the Navajo-Churro, the sheep of the Spanish and the Navajo, to the Texas Hill Country. We have registered and unregistered rams, ewes, and lambs for sale -- to reestablish this heritage breed in Texas. Pictures do not do them justice; you need to see them for yourself. We are looking for partners who love these animals as we do, and want to establish their own herd. They are a great meat breed, placing high in all competitions among heritage breeds, are good mothers, and provide plenty of milk and outstanding fleeces. We love them, and are looking for people who love them as much as we do.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Navajo Churro Lambs -- 2009

Conrad, Chloe's ram lam with Santo. Conrad is registerable. He is a two horn Navajo ram lamb. Pure white.

Ysabel and Santo's registerable ewe lamb Equador. Two horned lamb with tan and grey markings.

Renee and Santo's registerable ram lamb, Roberto Clemente.

Nina and Santo's ewe Chocolat.
Amanda and Santo's registerable ewe Constance.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Name that calf!

Today at Agarita Creek Farms we had the second calf of the year. We believe she is a she (although the other cows will not let us get close to her). She is of the long legged variety of Dexters, and is chocolate brown. What to name her? We are turning to our friends for input. Let us know what you think.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

April "Facebook" Special

For those of you who are Fans of AGF on Facebook, you know about our April special -- weekends at weekday rates. This special is only available through Facebook, through the Agarita Creek Farms Facebook page. As always there is a two night minimum. We will be running other Facebook only specials in the future, so the message is sign up for Facebook and become a fan of AGF. You will automaticaly get notice of all of our special, and automatically receive our blog, Musings from Agarita Creek Farms. It is a great way for you to keep up with what is going on at the farm, and for us to communicate with you.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Progress, at last!

As you may have seen, our new website is up, at www.agaritacreek.com, and we will be able to take reservations over the internet soon. For now you can call us to reserve a cabin or email us to make a reservation inquiry. Our office number is (830) 896-9140, business hours Monday through Friday. Tom's cell is (832) 419-9389. The farm house is (830) 896.9140. We can be reached via email at tcarnes@thomaspcarnes.com -- for now that is the most dependable email.

We hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend, and comes to see us soon.
